Sunday, my sister Mer, her two kids and I braved the 9 1/2 hour drive. Enough said.
Monday, Cyndi treated us to the Sand Dunes. Since it is a national park four wheelers are forbidden. There were some small streams running through. The water was warm and the kids had a blast playing in the water fully clothed mind you. It was an all day event. Too bad I forgot my camera so no pics from there.
Tuesday was the Alligator farm. That's right alligators in the middle of Colorado. It was pretty lame and stinky, but it is home to Morris the movie star. He is the alligator in Happy Gilmore and other films. I felt pretty cool watching him just stare at me. I think that is the closest I will ever come to meeting a celebrity. Again I did not bring my camera.
Wednesday we just hung out and enjoyed being with Cyndi. I don't get to see her very much so it was good to just be there. I did do some pictures of her boys, McCray and Cahl. They are so cute. Cahl is almost 2 and McCray is 4. They are little cowboys.
Thursday was driving day. Somehow the drive home seems to go a lot faster even though it is the same distance. I missed Kelly and my Harley girl. As much as I love Cyndi, it was good to be home.
I miss Cyndi already, but can't wait for her to come out this summer, yeah!! Here are pics of the boys and pictures I took from the Sand Dunes website and alligator website.