Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sanford in the House!!

So Kelly is downstairs drilling holes in my walls and here I am bored again. So I update this blog.
I get this call from my sister in Sanford. She was a little upset because I didn't list her in my top ten of 2008. I remember I gave her grief on her blog because she did a whole thing to her friend Michelle and I got a small mention on another post.
I am not having that. So Cyndi, you asked for a post. here ya go.
Cyndi was the one just before me. Second to last. Bummer for her cause I got all the attention, it took me 20 years to finally admit it. She would tease me and make fun of me all the time, lock me out of our room. I got sick of her being mean to me all the time so one time I hit her on the knee with her own clog. HA.
But as we grew up we became friends, the best of. We started hanging out more and doing sisterly things, whatever those were. She would send me fun cards and notes when I moved to Logan. I know I can always call her to just talk or vent. Then she married some cowboy from our neighboring state and he whisked (more like bound and gagged her) off to Sanford. I miss her tons actually!!
Most pictures are cute and some I know she will get mad at me for. But she asked for a tribute :)
Love ya bootsie!!
P.S. To anyone else who wants a tribute I have plenty of pictures, except if I don't have your picture. Also to other sisters reading this, your time will come!!


Cyndi and Logan said...

OH Bootsie, you are the best!! I love ya!!! But really, where did you get all those pictures of me, I knew you loved me, but really??!!! :)

Tay and Ash said...

Where's the love Camille? You didn't put my blog link on here twice!!! Ü