Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Kelly "da man" Jaques

Since none of you care about Harley, I will use this post as sort of an apology to Kelly. We were playing Dr. Mario on the wii last night and sometimes it makes me really crazy angry. Needless to say I said some really hurtful things to Kelly(which are too insane to post). So sorry, Kelly. I am posting this tribute to you. I stole this one from Meagan's space. Thanks

1. What is his name? Kelly Jaques. No middle name, but he gave himself "da man" because he is the man.
2. Who eats more? He does by far. I have to give him some of my food to finish so I don't feel bad about not eating it.
3. Who said I love you first? He did. It was the night of my sister's wedding and he was dropping me off at home and just said it. And yes I said it back.
4.Who is taller? Kelly, although I don't think I really know how tall he is.
5.Who is smarter? Umm, we are equal. But I think he is definitely more philosophical.
6.Who is more sensitive? Me by far. Kelly can just let things roll off his back.
7.Who does the laundry? Mostly me. But he helps me fold it. I am very particular about how things get washed. One time I got mad at him because he washed something in warm water. I know, he should never be allowed to do laundry again.
8.Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? We kinda play musical sides. Sometimes I will wake up on the other side of the bed and have no idea how that came to be. But I guess it just depends on who has to get up earlier so they sleep by the alarm clock which is on the left side.
9.Who pays the bills? Me, but he makes the car payment.
10.Who cooks more? good question.
11.Who is more stubborn? Me, I am a girl so naturally.
12.Who is the first to admit they are wrong? Well Kelly makes me admit I am wrong sometimes. Does that count if it's forced?
13.Who has more siblings? Of course I do, the big utah mormon family.
14.Who wears the pants in the relationship? hmm we both take charge sometimes.
15.What do you like to do together? Everything. I like to consider us laid back people so we can be happy doing just about anything.
16.Who eats more sweets? This one is mine.
17.Guilty Pleasures? Don't really know. Sometimes I watch the Disney channel. He likes chick flicks sometimes.
18.How did you meet? We met at good ol' matchmaking Icon. I remember meeting him and Chad Covill (the morgan boys) and they threw stuff over the cubicle at my friend Erin and it hit me too. He says the first time he remembers me is we both were helping move some cubicle walls at Icon. Sorry not a cool story.
19.Who asked out who first? Well if I remember correctly I asked him to see Pirates of the Carribean and I thought it was a date because I paid, and he asked if he could bring his friend Chase along. So take it for what it's worth.
20.Who kissed who first? Kelly has this one. We were just hanging out in my apartment and he said there was something we hadn't done yet and it started with a 'k'. I said kiss and he got a little red "actually, I was thinking cuddle." I then informed him cuddle was with a 'c'. So we cuddled and don't worry he kissed me.
21.Who proposed? Kelly did. Angels Landing in Zions is sort of a special place for us. We decided to go to St. George last minute and invited the Anderson's with us. Genna was prego at the time so they made the excuse she couldn't make it to the top, so Kelly and I hiked up to Angels Landing. We were the only ones up there except for some amish people or were they Mennonites? Who can tell the difference these days. Anyway he was sitting behind me and he was still breathing hard and his heart was pounding. He kept talking about stupid things and I remember thinking "what is wrong with him? the hike wasn't that hard?" So finally I just asked what his deal was. He said "this" and I look down and there was my ring on his pinky finger. So he proposed to me "on top of a mountain!"
22. His best features and qualities? His best features are in his face. I love to watch him sleep sometimes because he looks like a little kid (no I don't have pedophile tenancies). I know it means personality wise, but I am still so attracted to Kelly, I think it's a good thing. Kelly is so selfless. He always has the concerns and needs of other people on his mind. He works hard and is going to school full time and working full time right now. That's some hard work.
He loves to have fun, which is a good thing being married to me. When I ask him about his day he tells me rather than just say "fine." He is a great listener. I know he will do well being a counselor because he genuinely cares. He likes trying new things and pushes me to get out of my comfort zone.
And for some crazy reason he loves me and puts up with all of my bull. He makes me want to be a better person. And anyone that can do that must be living a pretty good life.


Diana said...

Hey Camille,
My name is Diana I was friends with Kelly in High School. I found your blog through a chain of blogs of people from High School. It's crazy to see where everyone is now in their lives. Congrats to you and Kelly on all the exciting stuff in your life. He is a great guy. You guys seem like an awesome couple. Tell him I say hello. If you want to you can check out my blog at Take Care.

M and M said...

Hey neighbor! It has been so long! So fun to find your blog and see that all is going well. Thanks for the vote on a boy... my husband will be so happy. Take care and keep in touch!

michelle said...

I'm SO SO glad you found me! How is life in your neck of the woods!

Johny and Sarah said...

Love the post. I'll tell everyone hi in Arizona. Can't wait to see more pics of your house when you move exciting for you!! Talk to ya soon.